Search Results | linkage mechanical

Your search for "linkage mechanical" returned 70 results

If You Get 100% on This Car Symptoms Quiz, You Probably Know More Than Your Mechanic

Consider yourself a gearhead? Are you the friend or relative everyone goes to with their car problems? Then why not take our car symptoms quiz for a test drive? We promise that we won't leave you stranded!

How GMs Hy-wire Works

What's a car without an engine? A GM Hy-wire. There's no combustion, no linkages, and it has driver controls that work like a video-game joystick. See what you could be driving in the future.

How much do you know about your car's powertrain?

Unless it's caused you problems in the past, you're probably only familiar with your car's powertrain because of the powertrain warranty offered by the dealership. The powertrain isn't a part you can order from the service department when something goes wrong, though. It's a series of components working together to get you and your car where you want to go.

How Does a Gas Pump Know When to Stop?

The days of spilling gasoline all over our shoes are pretty much over. But it begs the question: How does a gas pump know when to stop? Read this simple explanation of the mechanics that cause a gas pump to shut off when the tank is full.

How Sewing Machines Work

Sewing machines turned a tedious task into something fast and easy. Learn about the inner workings of sewing machines and see expert reviews and prices for sewing machines.

We'll Give You an Auto Part, You Tell Us What It Connects To

Modern vehicles contain thousands of parts that range from tiny bolts to massive slabs of steel or aluminum. Do you think you know how most car parts connect to each other? Take this quiz to find out.

How Elevators Work

In action movies, elevators regularly plummet to the basement, landing in a spectacular ball of fire. Is this possible? There are some sophisticated engineering techniques at work behind every elevator ride you take.

10 Aviation Innovations We'd Be Stuck on the Ground Without

In the world of flight, it's a fine line between flying high and falling fast. Can you name 10 of the innovations that keep planes and their passengers airborne?

How Drive-by-wire Technology Works

Drive-by-wire technology has been around for some time, but how long before you drive your car with a joystick? Read about drive-by-wire in this article.

1954 Mercury Sun Valley

The 1954 Mercury Sun Valley featured a plastic see-through roof for ultimate visibility. See pictures and a profile of the 1954 Mercury Sun Valley.

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